A performance by Alexandra Pirici and Dennis Deter. With Alexandra Pirici, Andrei Dinu, Dennis Deter and Dragos. Coproduced by CNDB (Bucarest)
Past Performances: 2010 CNDB Bucarest
Generally speaking, performative space is deemed as an artificial space, constructed in order to allow the installation of an alternative reality. We are trying to use it by making it possible for the natural to dominate the artificial, for the presence of something that cannot be “constructed” to condition all the actions. A construction must take into account something that is already there. Also, construction is often identified with destruction, deconstruction, in the sense that “to structure” also means “to destructure” something that is already structured. Aggression in destruction / destructuring seems to transform from a possible natural impulse into a systematic process, to become one with the desire to mark the spot.